The good kind of email.

Type your email here and click subscribe if you’re a small business owner, aspiring owner, or just generally interested in business tips/advice we’ve learned through owning and operating Mountain Goat,  a coffee shop, cafe, and bar located in Greenville, SC.

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You don’t have to do business alone.

Why keep the joys, pains, sorrows, fails and celebrations of owning a small business to yourself? This is how we, Ryan & Chrissy (work spouses and actual spouses) feel and we wanna bring you along for our adventure of running a small business and our lives together! Tune into our podcast, subscribe to our email list, and follow us on instagram!

Be on our podcast!

Are you doing business with your partner- life, spouse, bf/gf? We would love to meet you and interview wherever you are in the world!

Wanna get in touch and keep up?

Follow us on Instagram, check out Mountain Goat’s website, or email us!

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